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My Coursework

Here you will find descriptions of my coursework during my time at Clemson.  Each course is categorized into one of the sections below as it relates to my studies of Language and International Business.

* The Bold/Italicized titles on the course pages are linked to their corresponding academic samples.

view of italian coastal town


These courses are either focused on developing the target language skills or are taught fully in the target language, focused on aspects regarding the target country. 


These courses encompass a wide variety of cultural aspects, either of the target country and language or a more global perspective on different concepts, each providing a unique insight into a variety of literary works and invaluable cross-cultural understanding.

spanish bullfighter facing bull
chair in corner of a store


These courses provide a deep understanding of the extensive variety of business aspects.  From accounting, economics, management and marketing, the courses focus on expanding the significance of each of the principles of business while also working to display their relations to the other aspects.


These courses, while they may not have a direct relation to Language and International Business, show other related interests, significant skills and necessary attention to maintaining well-rounded studies.

view of an abandoned lighthouse
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